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  • Is wardrobe included? (And do you have my size?)
    Yes, wardrobe is included in every session, you actually get to pick 3 looks from the studio wardrobe! You are of course welcome to bring things of your own as well. I only have femme wardrobe (sizes xsm-xxxl) and some girls wardrobe so if you need something outside of that genre you may have to bring your own. Every shoot includes a consultation so you get to see the wardrobe before your shoot date and make sure I have options you love before your big day! (Although I have tons and I've never had anyone not find looks they love!)
  • Where is your studio? I don't see an address.
    I have a *gasp!* home studio! Or I should say I have a studio home....because this house was purchased specifically for me to create this space for your shoot. So obviously my address is not listed on the site, I can say here that I am on the north-east side of Lansing Michigan. The studio and reveal area is in what should be my living room (But isn't, you wont find my husband lounging on the couch when you get here, it's set up as solely studio space!) Off the studio there is the styling room that has a bathroom. The back half of the house is locked off and tho you may here the pitter-patter of tiny cat paws on the other side of the house, no cats, will be in the space during the session (and they are not allowed in the styling room at all, if you have allergies I suggest going with your gut on this one but a lot of my allergic clients have faired will with an allergy pill. If you give me a heads up we will give the studio an even more thorough sweeping than usual. I do have a husband, Kevin (You may know him from his viral "studio husband lighting test model" videos on tiktok) he works from home but he's often out in his shop and is very good as being quiet during our shoot so you may never even get a hint of his existence. Occasionally I do need him to pop into the studio for crazy big set changes. If this is the case for your shoot I will give you a heads up, and I usually have clients pop into the styling room for a quick selfie break while this is happening so you still may never even see him.
  • Can I do more than one theme? Like Pinup and Fairy?
    Yes! We have two sets and 3 outfits for every session and do more than one theme pretty often! We just aim for some hair and makeup styling that works for both vibes! The combo is totally up to you, a modern vanity fair editorial glam look and a painted goddess? A Victorian lazing in the greenhouse and a sea siren? a vintage pinup listening to records and a moody dark 1920s vamp? an angel lounging in the clouds and a sneaky little devil dancing in the forest? Modern Boudoir and Personal branding for your business? Seriously so many options I know it can make your head spin a little! I suggest looking through my galleries and social medias (Im Autumn Luciano Studios on Facebook and Instagram) and maybe drawing some inspiration from Pinterest, take a peek at the available sets page, and from there we can narrow down your themes/looks when we have your consultation and come up with a solid game plan. I'm here to help!
  • Can I shoot with my friend/sister/kid/fam/mom/dog??
    Any human you'd love to be photographed is welcome! And no it doesn't cost any different to add people to your shoot (unless they require hair/makeup styling too! If so let me know your requirements and I can give you a quote.) I can only accommodate small groups (4-5 people max if the group includes kids, max adult groups would be 3 total, especially if hair and makeup is required for everyone, as i'd have to bring in multiple stylist and it could be a pretty long day for everyone.) Pets however I can't accommodate unless we are shooting outdoors on location somewhere. I used to, but having a home studio with many cats, I have had people bring in fleas, and even pan-leukemia which nearly cost us our sweet lily cat, and we've had such awful luck with our cat's health the last handful of years I just won't risk it anymore and can't make acceptations. This also being said if you are hoping to bring any live florals to add into your shoot, there are no lilies ever allowed to come in! (I know this is ironic, knowing I have a cat named Lily....but lilies are the most toxic thing to a cat, even a little pollen falling off on the floor they could later walk on is dangerous, for this reason they are not allowed! )
  • Is Hair and Makeup Styling included?
    Yes! Every session comes with professional hair and makeup styling, including lashes! You come fresh faced and with any inspiration photos you'd like for the stylist to work from (optional) and they do the rest.
  • I'm a small business owner/freelancer/solopreneur/performer/author/etc...what can you do for me?
    I LOVE working with small business owners/self employed people, you know why? Well beyond that I just love getting to help create content for you to grow the business you love and sink your all into (trust me I know it's not easy and a real labor of love.) ya'll get to write this experience off on your taxes, could we ask for anything cooler? (I mean consult your tax professional to be sure, but you should be good.) And I'm not talking just classic small business owners, anything you use to promote yourself that is for the purpose of bringing you income is a write off, this means performers, musicians, burlesque dancers, only fans girlies, other photographers! You posting it on socials, making fliers, etc? It's a write off! So we can do: Personal branding session Promotional / social media content Album Covers/books covers/author photos Product photography Etc! Every image you order come as a professionally retouched, high resolution digital with personal printing rights and publication rights (submit to magazines, news articles, websites, business cards, linkedin, social medias, fliers, album covers, book jackets, etc! The only thing you can't do is print to resell (products, prints, t-shirts, bags, etc. For example, a burlesque dancer selling an autographed print at a show.) but you can add that release for an additional fee!
  • Is Modeling Experience Required?
    Absolutely not! Most of my clients have rarely, if ever been in front of a camera, let alone to this scale. You can come in without any idea what to do and I promise you'll be totally fine! I will guide you through each pose, adjusting you as we go from head to toe.
  • Do I have to get the collections only as they are set up?
    You can get any number of portraits in your collection as long as it's more than 5 portraits. We just add on per photo added, and the collections are set up so that the bigger the collection, the bigger savings you get per image. Collection levels are set up like this: 5 portraits 10 portraits 20 portraits 30 portraits You can view more about collections on the rates page, or better yet! Email me for my Studio PDF that will have full collection pricing, and all the rest of the info you'll need outside this FAQ.
  • Do you offer gift vouchers?
    Yes! You can gift (or ask people to gift you) gift vouchers in $50 or more value. They can be delivered digitally (email), picked up at the studio, or mailed to the giver or directly to the person receiving it with a hand written note. Email me for my studio PDF from the contact page to review my rates and then let me know what value you'd like to set your gift voucher for and we can go from there!
  • What physical Products do you offer?
    Collections can be ordered from 5-19 images as folio boxes (beautiful photo cover boxes with matted 8x10 prints inside) Or from 20+ images as Portrait books (11x14 flat lay hard cover books) Ala cart wall portraits, tapestry blankets, and Viewmasters can be added to collections if wanted.
  • What happens after the shoot?
    We take a short 15-ish minute break, you eat a snack, take some selfies, decompress, while I quickly pick out the best shot of every single pose we took and get them loaded into your viewing album. Then begins your portrait reveal on the big screen! The first time thru we just enjoy your stunning photos (seriously this is the best part) then second, third, fourth time thru we figure out what you want to order, talk products, and take our time narrowing down. It's a big decision so there is no rush! We can go thru as many times as you need until you're confident in your picks! I am there to help along the way, making suggestions on products and pointing out things you may not be thinking about. but I DO NOT HARD SELL YOU! That means I'm not going to be sitting there trying to convince you to buy portraits you don't love/cant afford/just don't want. I might audibly wince if you pass up a pose that I personally am in love with because I'm HUMAN :-P but I'm 10000000% going to respect your choices. This is meant to be an uplifting and empowering experience, you invested in yourself and I'm not going to bulldoze you at the end. <3 Once you pick/pay for your order I will get to work on retouching which will take 1-3 weeks depending on how big of an order you do. I will send an album to you for final approval before sending you a digital download album and sending your images to the lab to be printed. Your physical images can be picked up in studio 2-3 weeks later, or mailed directly to you (can take a few days longer.)
  • Do you offer only digitals? Do I have to get prints?
    You can choose to order only digitals if you like, but they are priced under the same structure as my Print+Digital collection combos. (If you haven't heard, every portrait or "Pose" you in your collection comes with a high resolution digital with personal printing rights and publication rights.) Why are they the same price as getting the same digital with a fancy ass print? This is because you are paying for the work, time, and years of experience, education, and love that went into creating the image, not so much the ink and paper. I'd like you to think about it like this, you are purchasing the digital, and the fancy printed product(s) that come along with it, while they are off the highest quality, is more like the cherry on the sundae. You get an incredible celebrity editorial style photo shoot, totally customize, a day of pampering and feeling the whole fantasy, digitals that are equal to owning the negative of a print (the ability to reproduce in thousands of ways and own forever.) and beautiful prints/products to display, or keep tucked away for special eyes only, your choice!
  • Do you share my photos?
    I will ask you at the end of your session if you want to sign a model release for me but this is absolutely not a requirement! You can opt out, ask to hold off until you see your final retouched portraits and decide then OR just ask for certain images (maybe more risqué ones you're not comfy sharing) to be excluded from what I put in my public portfolio/share on socials. So we can make amendments! I want you to be 100% comfortable through this whole experience, so while I may reaaalllllyyyy want to share your stunning photos, I will absolutely not pressure you into signing a release, and if you don't they never see the light of day on my end.
  • Do you retouch the images I purchase?
    Of course! Retouching is included in the price of purchase. And not only that, we will collab a bit on special retouching requests at your portrait reveal. I will do all the basics, and work some extra magic when needed on elements in the shoot, but you see yourself differently than I do, and may pick out things in the photos that I would otherwise miss. So feel free to make requests as we go through them and I will make notes! When they are finished (usually 2-3 weeks or less depending on how many images you've ordered after payment) I will send you a digital album with your retouched portraits for final approval, at this point you can ask for one more round of little tweaks if I missed anything, and you'll pick between the "original" color (just kinda how it looked off camera, but still retouched) and then an "enhanced" version which usually has some extra special color toning to fit the mood/vibe of your sets. So you let me know which version of each portrait you want sent off to be prints, but guess what? You get to download both the original and enhanced versions! As long as there are no other retouch requests I will send you a downloadable version of your album at that point and you can post, print, share, to your heart's content! Printed products are usually 2-3 weeks after that, and you can pickup at the studio or I can mail them to you (for no extra fee.)
  • "I need to lose "X" amount of pounds."
    Okay, I have two responses to this one: On one hand, using a photo shoot as a reward is an AWESOME motivator. Get a shoot on the books for for as long as you want out (up to 12 months) and go for it! On the other hand: if you're anything like me, you say things like this and then life happens and you just don't pull it off. That's OK! Seriously, my posing alone can make you look 15 pounds lighter. When they say the camera adds 10 pounds, well my response is "the wrong person is holding that camera." Don't wait just because of a few pesky pounds. You deserve to feel beautiful now! We don't use the word "flattering" here, because ick, but angles and lighting in wardrobe you feel beautiful here with the experience I have behind the camera will make you forget about those extra pounds you've been worried about, beyond that, we always feel like we can love ourselves more in the future, but what if we just said fuck it and *tried* it today? Even if we don't feel ready? You're not going to hate these photos, most of my clients end up loving most if not ALL of their photos in the end.
  • "It's too much money."
    I do offer payment plans! Both prepayment leading up to a shoot, or after the shoot! Or even a little of both if needed. (see the payment plan section on this page under "investment" for details!) MOST of your session fee is a portrait order credit! So it goes towards whatever you end up purchasing! Remember there is 100% no commitment to order anything and you don't have to decide what you want to order until you see your images, but if you go into this experience knowing you want at least a certain number of photos I am happy to set up that pre-payment/lay away plan for you so you can work towards the incredible end result and have no wait to get your images when its done! You will be linked to all the payment plan info then you email me! ​ I understand that sinking money into a photoshoot may not be a top priority, and it's possible this experience is just not something you'd value enough for yourself to spend money on, it's not everyone's cup of tea and that's totally fine! Or maybe it is your cup of tea but it's just too hot right now (aka you really can't invest right now) i'm not going anywhere! (That I know of...I've had people who have followed my work for over a decade hoping for a shoot and only just got to the point where they were ready to invest, and so its not a never, it's a not yet, but someday! ​ You get a ton of highly customized details in your session, and detailed posing, lighting, and retouching, all done with love. However, I understand finances aren't always ideal (or even close) to what we would like. I will work to fully educate you on our pricing before you book so there are no sudden surprises, I don't hard sell you, I only let you know what options are available to you and then you make the decisions and only take home what you love. My job is to take photos that you love SO much that you want them all, not to talk you into loving ones you really don't dig. (But you'll probably dig them all, fair warning.) ​ Good things to keep in mind is: You can shoot with another person and split a session! This will take some of the pressure off, split the session fee, pay for your solo photos you love (and even get some together and split the cost of those!) The only additional fee to adding a person to your shoot is if they require hair and makeup styling.
  • "My excuse isn't listed..."
    You wanna lay a new one on me? Email me! But fair warning, the only reason you'd voice your excuse to me is because you WANT me to talk you out of believing in it, so that right there should bring about some self awareness that you actually don't think it's enough of an excuse to really not go for it. Am I right?
  • "I'd feel too vain."
    Its the self-love era! Did you know that a portrait session is an incredibly courageous act of self love? Vanity is something outside yourself. Are you really worried you'd feel too vain, or are you worried that others would perceive you as vain? Because this isn't about them. You are a human being and deserve to feel joy. If deep in your guts you feel that seeing a show-stopping portrait of yourself would bring you joy, DO IT. Who made you feel like you don't deserve this? Because we can yeet them right the hell out the door of your life. You don't owe anyone an explanation. You deserve to feel beautiful, dammit. ​​
  • "I need to feel more confident in myself first."
    You are exactly the kind of person who should have had their ass in front of my camera ages ago! You are my favorite type of person because not only do we get the chance to get comfortable talking and planning together for your pre shoot consultation, but you literally don't need a lick of confidence to come out with stunning photos. I will pose you from head to toe. If you can follow a few simple directions you're going to come out with stunning portraits AND here's were the confidence comes in droves! Ive photographed hundreds of completely nervous and inexperienced people in front of the camera, and I've seen their whole mindset shift after their shoots. Some have become SO confident that they literally return for shoots on a regular basis! So don't think of a shoot as a reward for suddenly becoming confident. Think of it as a step or tool in yourself love journey. You are allowed to feel beautiful and see yourself as that. Whoever told you otherwise is a liar <3
  • "I'm not photogenic."
    That's literally not a thing. ​ I don't care if you blink every time a camera flashes, I will take a thousand shots until you don't. Don't know what to do with your hands? Hey, guess what! That's my job! Feel awkward about your smile? Okay, let's do sassy or peaceful looks instead! Really hate your (insert body part/scar/etc here)? I will work around it so it will be a non-factor. You are hiring me to provide you with a polished product, so if there's something you are worried about, talk to me about it. No judgments here! We all have that "thing" we think everyone else notices about us, the truth is only we notice it most of the time. So tell me your "thing" and your thing, becomes my thing. My job is to make sure you're happy with it! Being photogenic only comes down to how comfortable you are in front of a camera, and it's my job to make you comfortable!
  • "Why would I need photos of myself?"
    Well, besides all the reasons I've been raving like a lunatic about so far... How about because a beautiful portrait of you would literally become the most precious possession your loved ones will own of you after you're gone. And because you only have one life, why not celebrate it? Get portraits with the people you love, when you get engaged, when you get married, when you're expecting your first, second, third baby! When you turn 30, 40, 50, 60, 70! Get portraits with and of your children..can you imagine having a beautiful set of portraits literally showing your children growing up? Could you imagine something that will be more precious to you once they've grown? Get portraits with your parents, seriously, you will want these one day. Use your portraits to grow your social circle, brand your business, show off your passions, live out your fantasies, just to play dress up and have some damn fun for yourself for once... There's literally so much that makes you uniquely YOU. Why wouldn't you want to capture the incredible story that is your life?!
  • "I have no idea how to model."
    You don't have to know a thing! Seriously... I will tell you what to do from head to toe! Where to put your hands, where to look, what to do with your face, when the proper time to arch your back is, seriously, I'm certain if posing was an Olympic sport I would win a gold.
  • Do you offer payment plans?
    I do! I will work with you to find what plan works best for you, but to keep it simple you can: Option A: Do a prepayment plan through me, either towards just your session fee, or your session fee + the collection of your choice. (You can always upgrade after seeing your photos if you like.) Pay through weekly, bi-weekly or monthly installments. And you can book your shoot up to 12 months in advance or less. So depending on when you book for, and what you'd like to pay towards, I will math out a scenario or two for you and let you know what a payment would look like so you know exactly what it looks like before committing. (feel free to request a payment plan quote anytime with no pressure to book.) The prepayment plan is a great way to have everything all paid up before you arrive, it's like saving for a shoot, but a little more proactive! As long as you don't require a post shoot payment plan for any collection upgrade you may want after seeing your images, then you are paid up and I will get to work on retouching your images to your comfort level, and getting them in your hands! Option B: Do a post shoot payment plan! So this would require you to book the session fee like normal, $250 deposit due at booking and the remaining $275 due the day of the shoot (which again you can book 12 months out or less). Then we do your same day portrait reveal & ordering session following your shoot, you pick what you want after seeing your images (which is a perk!) and the we math out some scenarios that work with your budget. This option is great for those who don't want to make a commitment beyond the session fee upfront, but the downside is, you don't get any of your images until the payment plan is complete , which is a bummer, and even then, I don't start retouching until the plan is complete so it will be about 2-3 weeks after that before you get your digitals and I send prints to the lab. You can pay on these for 12 months or less. **********Options for those who don't want to book way out, or wait for a long after shoot payment plan*************** Buy now pay later options will allow you to get your images right away, making payments directly to the financing company instead of directly to me. If you don't mind using the credit, looking into paypal credit is an option, they usually offer 6 months 0% interest. If this is something you want to use please apply for it prior to your shoot date. (I can also accept almost any other credit card.) Another option is applying for Affirm, Affirm is nice because you they don't charge late fees or annual fees, you can pay over time, using the monthly payment option. You can request a virtual card in your Affirm account. There are three places to access your virtual card: in the Affirm app, in your account on the Affirm website, or via the confirmation email we send you after you request the card. When paying with your virtual card online, it works like a standard credit card. You'll want to provide me with your affirm virtual card info at the ordering session checkout.
  • How much is a shoot and what's included?
    The Session fee is $525 This includes: $400 print credit towards the portrait order/collection of your choice A day to yourself in studio (I don't double book) Pre-shoot consultation to plan your shoot together Professional Dry Hair Styling & Makeup styling with lashes Access to size inclusive studio wardrobe with options for every theme I shoot (with 3 outfits total) Your choice of two of my highly styled sets from my 30+ options (Check the available sets page to view options!) Expert pose coaching from head to toe. A untimed photoshoot Same day gallery & Ordering Appointment 30+ DIFFERENT poses to pick from *Prints/Digitals are priced separate from the session fee. Investment for collections begin at $900 for collections with your $400 print credit factored in. Click the button below to submit a contact form for a detailed list of ala cart products & collections
  • Do you shoot weddings or newborns?
    Nope! I am not trained to do those adorable newborn shoots, If you want to be cradling them in the photos with them the whole time, absolutely, but if you want those cute little posey newborn photos , I am sadly not your girl. 6months and up I love to shoot tho so bring them around then! (I especially love the age where they can sit up but cant crawl off yet! :-P ) Weddings, I also am not your girl. It just wasn't my thing. I will shoot your engagement, honeymoon gift boudoir session, hell i'll even do super stylized editorial photos of you and/or you and your partner in your wedding clothes! But the day itself you'll want to look for someone more skilled in that area. I am however starting to design beautiful portrait sets with brides to have set up at their receptions for their photographer/guests to take photos on. You set a budget and make an inspiration board and I do all the shopping/styling/and photograph it for you, and even create a simple lighting guide for you to pass along to your photographer. For an extra fee I can even do your engagement photos on the set in my studio. Then we pack it up for you to pick up and it's all yours after that. Each set will be one of a kind and tailored for your wedding. Since you own all the items that create the set and will have a beautiful sample photo and set up and lighting guide, you can easily resell the set as a package after your wedding to recoup some of your money. While the sets are designed to fit your wedding, you'd be hiring me for my style, so take a peek through my galleries as you will easily get a sense of what I can do. Lots of vintage/thrifted/antique finds will be incorporated. Email me if you'd like to chat about this! I am just in the beginning stages of offering this service.
  • Do you do antique/vintage photo restoration?
    I sure do! Rates vary depending on how much damage there is, if you need me to scan it or if you can supply a high quality scan, if you want antique colorizing, and if you'd like any prints of the finished product. Email me at with a photo of the photo(s) you'd like restored for a quote!
  • Do you take modern/vintage/antique clothing/prop donations?
    Yes! Depending on what it is I can most likely give it a very good home. If it's something I know won't get much, if any use, I will be sure to let you know so you can pass it on to someone who will give it a better home than I will. Just hit me up!
  • Is wardrobe included? (And do you have my size?)
    Yes, wardrobe is included in every session, you actually get to pick 3 looks from the studio wardrobe! You are of course welcome to bring things of your own as well. I only have femme wardrobe (sizes xsm-xxxl) and some girls wardrobe so if you need something outside of that genre you may have to bring your own. Every shoot includes a consultation so you get to see the wardrobe before your shoot date and make sure I have options you love before your big day! (Although I have tons and I've never had anyone not find looks they love!)
  • Where is your studio? I don't see an address.
    I have a *gasp!* home studio! Or I should say I have a studio home....because this house was purchased specifically for me to create this space for your shoot. So obviously my address is not listed on the site, I can say here that I am on the north-east side of Lansing Michigan. The studio and reveal area is in what should be my living room (But isn't, you wont find my husband lounging on the couch when you get here, it's set up as solely studio space!) Off the studio there is the styling room that has a bathroom. The back half of the house is locked off and tho you may here the pitter-patter of tiny cat paws on the other side of the house, no cats, will be in the space during the session (and they are not allowed in the styling room at all, if you have allergies I suggest going with your gut on this one but a lot of my allergic clients have faired will with an allergy pill. If you give me a heads up we will give the studio an even more thorough sweeping than usual. I do have a husband, Kevin (You may know him from his viral "studio husband lighting test model" videos on tiktok) he works from home but he's often out in his shop and is very good as being quiet during our shoot so you may never even get a hint of his existence. Occasionally I do need him to pop into the studio for crazy big set changes. If this is the case for your shoot I will give you a heads up, and I usually have clients pop into the styling room for a quick selfie break while this is happening so you still may never even see him.
  • Can I do more than one theme? Like Pinup and Fairy?
    Yes! We have two sets and 3 outfits for every session and do more than one theme pretty often! We just aim for some hair and makeup styling that works for both vibes! The combo is totally up to you, a modern vanity fair editorial glam look and a painted goddess? A Victorian lazing in the greenhouse and a sea siren? a vintage pinup listening to records and a moody dark 1920s vamp? an angel lounging in the clouds and a sneaky little devil dancing in the forest? Modern Boudoir and Personal branding for your business? Seriously so many options I know it can make your head spin a little! I suggest looking through my galleries and social medias (Im Autumn Luciano Studios on Facebook and Instagram) and maybe drawing some inspiration from Pinterest, take a peek at the available sets page, and from there we can narrow down your themes/looks when we have your consultation and come up with a solid game plan. I'm here to help!
  • Can I shoot with my friend/sister/kid/fam/mom/dog??
    Any human you'd love to be photographed is welcome! And no it doesn't cost any different to add people to your shoot (unless they require hair/makeup styling too! If so let me know your requirements and I can give you a quote.) I can only accommodate small groups (4-5 people max if the group includes kids, max adult groups would be 3 total, especially if hair and makeup is required for everyone, as i'd have to bring in multiple stylist and it could be a pretty long day for everyone.) Pets however I can't accommodate unless we are shooting outdoors on location somewhere. I used to, but having a home studio with many cats, I have had people bring in fleas, and even pan-leukemia which nearly cost us our sweet lily cat, and we've had such awful luck with our cat's health the last handful of years I just won't risk it anymore and can't make acceptations. This also being said if you are hoping to bring any live florals to add into your shoot, there are no lilies ever allowed to come in! (I know this is ironic, knowing I have a cat named Lily....but lilies are the most toxic thing to a cat, even a little pollen falling off on the floor they could later walk on is dangerous, for this reason they are not allowed! )
  • Is Hair and Makeup Styling included?
    Yes! Every session comes with professional hair and makeup styling, including lashes! You come fresh faced and with any inspiration photos you'd like for the stylist to work from (optional) and they do the rest.
  • I'm a small business owner/freelancer/solopreneur/performer/author/etc...what can you do for me?
    I LOVE working with small business owners/self employed people, you know why? Well beyond that I just love getting to help create content for you to grow the business you love and sink your all into (trust me I know it's not easy and a real labor of love.) ya'll get to write this experience off on your taxes, could we ask for anything cooler? (I mean consult your tax professional to be sure, but you should be good.) And I'm not talking just classic small business owners, anything you use to promote yourself that is for the purpose of bringing you income is a write off, this means performers, musicians, burlesque dancers, only fans girlies, other photographers! You posting it on socials, making fliers, etc? It's a write off! So we can do: Personal branding session Promotional / social media content Album Covers/books covers/author photos Product photography Etc! Every image you order come as a professionally retouched, high resolution digital with personal printing rights and publication rights (submit to magazines, news articles, websites, business cards, linkedin, social medias, fliers, album covers, book jackets, etc! The only thing you can't do is print to resell (products, prints, t-shirts, bags, etc. For example, a burlesque dancer selling an autographed print at a show.) but you can add that release for an additional fee!
  • Is Modeling Experience Required?
    Absolutely not! Most of my clients have rarely, if ever been in front of a camera, let alone to this scale. You can come in without any idea what to do and I promise you'll be totally fine! I will guide you through each pose, adjusting you as we go from head to toe.
  • Do I have to get the collections only as they are set up?
    You can get any number of portraits in your collection as long as it's more than 5 portraits. We just add on per photo added, and the collections are set up so that the bigger the collection, the bigger savings you get per image. Collection levels are set up like this: 5 portraits 10 portraits 20 portraits 30 portraits You can view more about collections on the rates page, or better yet! Email me for my Studio PDF that will have full collection pricing, and all the rest of the info you'll need outside this FAQ.
  • Do you offer gift vouchers?
    Yes! You can gift (or ask people to gift you) gift vouchers in $50 or more value. They can be delivered digitally (email), picked up at the studio, or mailed to the giver or directly to the person receiving it with a hand written note. Email me for my studio PDF from the contact page to review my rates and then let me know what value you'd like to set your gift voucher for and we can go from there!
  • What physical Products do you offer?
    Collections can be ordered from 5-19 images as folio boxes (beautiful photo cover boxes with matted 8x10 prints inside) Or from 20+ images as Portrait books (11x14 flat lay hard cover books) Ala cart wall portraits, tapestry blankets, and Viewmasters can be added to collections if wanted.
  • What happens after the shoot?
    We take a short 15-ish minute break, you eat a snack, take some selfies, decompress, while I quickly pick out the best shot of every single pose we took and get them loaded into your viewing album. Then begins your portrait reveal on the big screen! The first time thru we just enjoy your stunning photos (seriously this is the best part) then second, third, fourth time thru we figure out what you want to order, talk products, and take our time narrowing down. It's a big decision so there is no rush! We can go thru as many times as you need until you're confident in your picks! I am there to help along the way, making suggestions on products and pointing out things you may not be thinking about. but I DO NOT HARD SELL YOU! That means I'm not going to be sitting there trying to convince you to buy portraits you don't love/cant afford/just don't want. I might audibly wince if you pass up a pose that I personally am in love with because I'm HUMAN :-P but I'm 10000000% going to respect your choices. This is meant to be an uplifting and empowering experience, you invested in yourself and I'm not going to bulldoze you at the end. <3 Once you pick/pay for your order I will get to work on retouching which will take 1-3 weeks depending on how big of an order you do. I will send an album to you for final approval before sending you a digital download album and sending your images to the lab to be printed. Your physical images can be picked up in studio 2-3 weeks later, or mailed directly to you (can take a few days longer.)
  • Do you offer only digitals? Do I have to get prints?
    You can choose to order only digitals if you like, but they are priced under the same structure as my Print+Digital collection combos. (If you haven't heard, every portrait or "Pose" you in your collection comes with a high resolution digital with personal printing rights and publication rights.) Why are they the same price as getting the same digital with a fancy ass print? This is because you are paying for the work, time, and years of experience, education, and love that went into creating the image, not so much the ink and paper. I'd like you to think about it like this, you are purchasing the digital, and the fancy printed product(s) that come along with it, while they are off the highest quality, is more like the cherry on the sundae. You get an incredible celebrity editorial style photo shoot, totally customize, a day of pampering and feeling the whole fantasy, digitals that are equal to owning the negative of a print (the ability to reproduce in thousands of ways and own forever.) and beautiful prints/products to display, or keep tucked away for special eyes only, your choice!
  • Do you share my photos?
    I will ask you at the end of your session if you want to sign a model release for me but this is absolutely not a requirement! You can opt out, ask to hold off until you see your final retouched portraits and decide then OR just ask for certain images (maybe more risqué ones you're not comfy sharing) to be excluded from what I put in my public portfolio/share on socials. So we can make amendments! I want you to be 100% comfortable through this whole experience, so while I may reaaalllllyyyy want to share your stunning photos, I will absolutely not pressure you into signing a release, and if you don't they never see the light of day on my end.
  • Do you retouch the images I purchase?
    Of course! Retouching is included in the price of purchase. And not only that, we will collab a bit on special retouching requests at your portrait reveal. I will do all the basics, and work some extra magic when needed on elements in the shoot, but you see yourself differently than I do, and may pick out things in the photos that I would otherwise miss. So feel free to make requests as we go through them and I will make notes! When they are finished (usually 2-3 weeks or less depending on how many images you've ordered after payment) I will send you a digital album with your retouched portraits for final approval, at this point you can ask for one more round of little tweaks if I missed anything, and you'll pick between the "original" color (just kinda how it looked off camera, but still retouched) and then an "enhanced" version which usually has some extra special color toning to fit the mood/vibe of your sets. So you let me know which version of each portrait you want sent off to be prints, but guess what? You get to download both the original and enhanced versions! As long as there are no other retouch requests I will send you a downloadable version of your album at that point and you can post, print, share, to your heart's content! Printed products are usually 2-3 weeks after that, and you can pickup at the studio or I can mail them to you (for no extra fee.)
  • "I need to lose "X" amount of pounds."
    Okay, I have two responses to this one: On one hand, using a photo shoot as a reward is an AWESOME motivator. Get a shoot on the books for for as long as you want out (up to 12 months) and go for it! On the other hand: if you're anything like me, you say things like this and then life happens and you just don't pull it off. That's OK! Seriously, my posing alone can make you look 15 pounds lighter. When they say the camera adds 10 pounds, well my response is "the wrong person is holding that camera." Don't wait just because of a few pesky pounds. You deserve to feel beautiful now! We don't use the word "flattering" here, because ick, but angles and lighting in wardrobe you feel beautiful here with the experience I have behind the camera will make you forget about those extra pounds you've been worried about, beyond that, we always feel like we can love ourselves more in the future, but what if we just said fuck it and *tried* it today? Even if we don't feel ready? You're not going to hate these photos, most of my clients end up loving most if not ALL of their photos in the end.
  • "It's too much money."
    I do offer payment plans! Both prepayment leading up to a shoot, or after the shoot! Or even a little of both if needed. (see the payment plan section on this page under "investment" for details!) MOST of your session fee is a portrait order credit! So it goes towards whatever you end up purchasing! Remember there is 100% no commitment to order anything and you don't have to decide what you want to order until you see your images, but if you go into this experience knowing you want at least a certain number of photos I am happy to set up that pre-payment/lay away plan for you so you can work towards the incredible end result and have no wait to get your images when its done! You will be linked to all the payment plan info then you email me! ​ I understand that sinking money into a photoshoot may not be a top priority, and it's possible this experience is just not something you'd value enough for yourself to spend money on, it's not everyone's cup of tea and that's totally fine! Or maybe it is your cup of tea but it's just too hot right now (aka you really can't invest right now) i'm not going anywhere! (That I know of...I've had people who have followed my work for over a decade hoping for a shoot and only just got to the point where they were ready to invest, and so its not a never, it's a not yet, but someday! ​ You get a ton of highly customized details in your session, and detailed posing, lighting, and retouching, all done with love. However, I understand finances aren't always ideal (or even close) to what we would like. I will work to fully educate you on our pricing before you book so there are no sudden surprises, I don't hard sell you, I only let you know what options are available to you and then you make the decisions and only take home what you love. My job is to take photos that you love SO much that you want them all, not to talk you into loving ones you really don't dig. (But you'll probably dig them all, fair warning.) ​ Good things to keep in mind is: You can shoot with another person and split a session! This will take some of the pressure off, split the session fee, pay for your solo photos you love (and even get some together and split the cost of those!) The only additional fee to adding a person to your shoot is if they require hair and makeup styling.
  • "My excuse isn't listed..."
    You wanna lay a new one on me? Email me! But fair warning, the only reason you'd voice your excuse to me is because you WANT me to talk you out of believing in it, so that right there should bring about some self awareness that you actually don't think it's enough of an excuse to really not go for it. Am I right?
  • "I'd feel too vain."
    Its the self-love era! Did you know that a portrait session is an incredibly courageous act of self love? Vanity is something outside yourself. Are you really worried you'd feel too vain, or are you worried that others would perceive you as vain? Because this isn't about them. You are a human being and deserve to feel joy. If deep in your guts you feel that seeing a show-stopping portrait of yourself would bring you joy, DO IT. Who made you feel like you don't deserve this? Because we can yeet them right the hell out the door of your life. You don't owe anyone an explanation. You deserve to feel beautiful, dammit. ​​
  • "I need to feel more confident in myself first."
    You are exactly the kind of person who should have had their ass in front of my camera ages ago! You are my favorite type of person because not only do we get the chance to get comfortable talking and planning together for your pre shoot consultation, but you literally don't need a lick of confidence to come out with stunning photos. I will pose you from head to toe. If you can follow a few simple directions you're going to come out with stunning portraits AND here's were the confidence comes in droves! Ive photographed hundreds of completely nervous and inexperienced people in front of the camera, and I've seen their whole mindset shift after their shoots. Some have become SO confident that they literally return for shoots on a regular basis! So don't think of a shoot as a reward for suddenly becoming confident. Think of it as a step or tool in yourself love journey. You are allowed to feel beautiful and see yourself as that. Whoever told you otherwise is a liar <3
  • "I'm not photogenic."
    That's literally not a thing. ​ I don't care if you blink every time a camera flashes, I will take a thousand shots until you don't. Don't know what to do with your hands? Hey, guess what! That's my job! Feel awkward about your smile? Okay, let's do sassy or peaceful looks instead! Really hate your (insert body part/scar/etc here)? I will work around it so it will be a non-factor. You are hiring me to provide you with a polished product, so if there's something you are worried about, talk to me about it. No judgments here! We all have that "thing" we think everyone else notices about us, the truth is only we notice it most of the time. So tell me your "thing" and your thing, becomes my thing. My job is to make sure you're happy with it! Being photogenic only comes down to how comfortable you are in front of a camera, and it's my job to make you comfortable!
  • "Why would I need photos of myself?"
    Well, besides all the reasons I've been raving like a lunatic about so far... How about because a beautiful portrait of you would literally become the most precious possession your loved ones will own of you after you're gone. And because you only have one life, why not celebrate it? Get portraits with the people you love, when you get engaged, when you get married, when you're expecting your first, second, third baby! When you turn 30, 40, 50, 60, 70! Get portraits with and of your children..can you imagine having a beautiful set of portraits literally showing your children growing up? Could you imagine something that will be more precious to you once they've grown? Get portraits with your parents, seriously, you will want these one day. Use your portraits to grow your social circle, brand your business, show off your passions, live out your fantasies, just to play dress up and have some damn fun for yourself for once... There's literally so much that makes you uniquely YOU. Why wouldn't you want to capture the incredible story that is your life?!
  • "I have no idea how to model."
    You don't have to know a thing! Seriously... I will tell you what to do from head to toe! Where to put your hands, where to look, what to do with your face, when the proper time to arch your back is, seriously, I'm certain if posing was an Olympic sport I would win a gold.
  • Do you offer payment plans?
    I do! I will work with you to find what plan works best for you, but to keep it simple you can: Option A: Do a prepayment plan through me, either towards just your session fee, or your session fee + the collection of your choice. (You can always upgrade after seeing your photos if you like.) Pay through weekly, bi-weekly or monthly installments. And you can book your shoot up to 12 months in advance or less. So depending on when you book for, and what you'd like to pay towards, I will math out a scenario or two for you and let you know what a payment would look like so you know exactly what it looks like before committing. (feel free to request a payment plan quote anytime with no pressure to book.) The prepayment plan is a great way to have everything all paid up before you arrive, it's like saving for a shoot, but a little more proactive! As long as you don't require a post shoot payment plan for any collection upgrade you may want after seeing your images, then you are paid up and I will get to work on retouching your images to your comfort level, and getting them in your hands! Option B: Do a post shoot payment plan! So this would require you to book the session fee like normal, $250 deposit due at booking and the remaining $275 due the day of the shoot (which again you can book 12 months out or less). Then we do your same day portrait reveal & ordering session following your shoot, you pick what you want after seeing your images (which is a perk!) and the we math out some scenarios that work with your budget. This option is great for those who don't want to make a commitment beyond the session fee upfront, but the downside is, you don't get any of your images until the payment plan is complete , which is a bummer, and even then, I don't start retouching until the plan is complete so it will be about 2-3 weeks after that before you get your digitals and I send prints to the lab. You can pay on these for 12 months or less. **********Options for those who don't want to book way out, or wait for a long after shoot payment plan*************** Buy now pay later options will allow you to get your images right away, making payments directly to the financing company instead of directly to me. If you don't mind using the credit, looking into paypal credit is an option, they usually offer 6 months 0% interest. If this is something you want to use please apply for it prior to your shoot date. (I can also accept almost any other credit card.) Another option is applying for Affirm, Affirm is nice because you they don't charge late fees or annual fees, you can pay over time, using the monthly payment option. You can request a virtual card in your Affirm account. There are three places to access your virtual card: in the Affirm app, in your account on the Affirm website, or via the confirmation email we send you after you request the card. When paying with your virtual card online, it works like a standard credit card. You'll want to provide me with your affirm virtual card info at the ordering session checkout.
  • How much is a shoot and what's included?
    The Session fee is $525 This includes: $400 print credit towards the portrait order/collection of your choice A day to yourself in studio (I don't double book) Pre-shoot consultation to plan your shoot together Professional Dry Hair Styling & Makeup styling with lashes Access to size inclusive studio wardrobe with options for every theme I shoot (with 3 outfits total) Your choice of two of my highly styled sets from my 30+ options (Check the available sets page to view options!) Expert pose coaching from head to toe. A untimed photoshoot Same day gallery & Ordering Appointment 30+ DIFFERENT poses to pick from *Prints/Digitals are priced separate from the session fee. Investment for collections begin at $900 for collections with your $400 print credit factored in. Click the button below to submit a contact form for a detailed list of ala cart products & collections
  • Do you shoot weddings or newborns?
    Nope! I am not trained to do those adorable newborn shoots, If you want to be cradling them in the photos with them the whole time, absolutely, but if you want those cute little posey newborn photos , I am sadly not your girl. 6months and up I love to shoot tho so bring them around then! (I especially love the age where they can sit up but cant crawl off yet! :-P ) Weddings, I also am not your girl. It just wasn't my thing. I will shoot your engagement, honeymoon gift boudoir session, hell i'll even do super stylized editorial photos of you and/or you and your partner in your wedding clothes! But the day itself you'll want to look for someone more skilled in that area. I am however starting to design beautiful portrait sets with brides to have set up at their receptions for their photographer/guests to take photos on. You set a budget and make an inspiration board and I do all the shopping/styling/and photograph it for you, and even create a simple lighting guide for you to pass along to your photographer. For an extra fee I can even do your engagement photos on the set in my studio. Then we pack it up for you to pick up and it's all yours after that. Each set will be one of a kind and tailored for your wedding. Since you own all the items that create the set and will have a beautiful sample photo and set up and lighting guide, you can easily resell the set as a package after your wedding to recoup some of your money. While the sets are designed to fit your wedding, you'd be hiring me for my style, so take a peek through my galleries as you will easily get a sense of what I can do. Lots of vintage/thrifted/antique finds will be incorporated. Email me if you'd like to chat about this! I am just in the beginning stages of offering this service.
  • Do you do antique/vintage photo restoration?
    I sure do! Rates vary depending on how much damage there is, if you need me to scan it or if you can supply a high quality scan, if you want antique colorizing, and if you'd like any prints of the finished product. Email me at with a photo of the photo(s) you'd like restored for a quote!
  • Do you take modern/vintage/antique clothing/prop donations?
    Yes! Depending on what it is I can most likely give it a very good home. If it's something I know won't get much, if any use, I will be sure to let you know so you can pass it on to someone who will give it a better home than I will. Just hit me up!
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